The Global Risk Policy Network (GRPN) has been created by and is convened and governed by the Australian Risk Policy Institute

What is GRPN?

  • The Australian Risk Policy Institute (ARPI) was formed to rethink ‘risk’ in the context of today’s transformational world, to ensure it better connects with leaders and ensures informed decision-making. ARPI has developed Strategic Risk Policy® which quickly attracted global attention leading to the expansion of ARPI’s presence globally. ARPI has formalised the growing global footprint under the banner of the GRPN.
  • Global frame of affiliated Risk Policy Institutes, the first being the European Risk Policy Institute opened in 2015 under the leadership of Ivan Savov FARPI FERPI and operating in multiple countries
  • Global network of special purpose groups including – cyber, security, complex project management, resilience, economics, counter-terrorism, anti-money-laundering, fraud and counterfeiting;
  • Centre for Advanced Resilience and Risk Policy Studies (CARRPS)

Risk Leader®

ARPI has created the role and profession of Risk Leader® for several reasons:

  •  to signify state-of-the-art thinking and approaches about ‘risk’ – ARPI being a global leader and Strategic Risk Policy® being recognised as Risk 4.0;
  • to emphasise the importance of risk, as redefined by ARPI with a contemporary meaning – and with ‘risk’ refocused firstly on strategic vulnerabilities rather than waiting for actual risks to arise – critical for informed and pre-emptive decision making; and
  • to clearly differentiate ARPI, GRPN and Strategic Risk Policy® from the process of ‘managing existing risks’ by risk managers.

Strategic Risk Policy®

  • is not risk management – it sits above and before risk management but complements risk management reducing the number and severity of risks and wicked problems
  • adapts to today’s inter-connected, inter-dependent and transformational world;
  • identifies ‘potentiality’ – which are vulnerabilities requiring protection against;
  • redefines risk with a contemporary meaning and places risk in the context of a New Risk Landscape;
  • promotes leadership paradigm change from organisation-centric to network-centric thinking; and
  • results in greater resilience and sustainability as well as innovation, improvement and opportunity.


GRPN is Governed by:


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